Positive Secrets

AIDS and the Hip Hop Generation

LA Fringe Festival, 2019

True stories about HIV and AIDS through monologues and dance produced in 2019

Positive Secrets was written in response to the death of one of our company from AIDS, at the age of 16. The piece uses original music , hip hop dance and monologues to tell stories gleaned from interviews with local youth who are living with HIV and AIDS. Even though it deals with a dark subject, it is presented with humor and breathtaking dances that reflect the feelings of the stories told. It is a unique piece that was created to save lives.

These young Shakespearean actors used their talents to share the message, with the Hip Hop Generation...AIDS is still deadly,
but it’s preventable and treatable.

Below is a short video featuring highlights of  Positive Secrets - AIDS and the Hip Hop Generation.

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