
Paul Heller, ICSE Founder, Producer, 1927-2020

You will always be with us, Paul. Thank you for starting us and for all your beautiful films. We’ll carry the torch.

Support us

The best way to give is to become a sustaining monthly

Having a large, consistent donor base allows us to spend less
time fundraising and more time making work. It also helps us
qualify for institutional grants.

Your generous donation big or small will go toward
costumes, lights, sets, props and stipends for young artists.

You may also support us by clicking on our Amazon Smile link
below and shopping at Amazon as you normally would. We’ll
receive a percentage of your purchase total,
at no additional cost to you.

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About us

The Inner City Shakespeare Ensemble brings at-risk students into the world of theater using Shakespeare’s ageless language and wisdom.

Our journey began in 2010 at George Washington Preparatory High School in South Central Los Angeles. Over the past decade we have grown to include a broad community of actors, directors, playwrights and filmmakers, all from a wide variety of ages, races, religions, socio-economic backgrounds and levels of experience.

We perform in parks, gymnasiums, high school auditoriums, beat-up black boxes, thousand-seat theaters, on film, online and in the streets.


Join us

Whether as a mentor, a student or
an audience member, please
subscribe and stay in touch…

Partner with us

We are always looking for industry
partners to provide internships,
training and opportunities…


Hear us

Good Morrow is a podcast dedicated to highlighting the work
and creativity of the Inner City Shakespeare Company.
We dive into its impact and the lasting effect it leaves
on all who experience its values and vision.

In the News…